12th Governing Council Meeting of the Asia-Pacific Water Forum

Date: 2012-11-26


Date&Time Friday, 2 November 2012, 10:00-16:00
Venue Learning Oasis Room, PUB WaterHub, Singapore Address:
80 & 82 Toh Guan Road East
Organizer Asia-Pacific Water Forum (APWF)
Participants Chair and Vice-chair of the APWF Governing Council, Representatives from the APWF lead organizations and sub-regional coordinators, APWF members, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Thailand, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand, and others (30 people)

II. Agenda

Chair: Prof. Tommy Koh, Chair of the APWF Governing Council


1.Chairmanship of the Meeting

2.Adoption of the agenda

3.Search Committee (16KB)

4.Update on the 2nd Asia-Pacific Water Summit: Government of Thailand and APWF Secretariat

(a) Presentations by Government of Thailand (120KB)

(b) Presentations by APWF Secretariat

(16KB), (44KB), (16KB), (28KB)

5.Asian Water Development Outlook 2012: ADB

6.Follow up of the APWF concrete initiatives

(a)Video production for APWF: ADB

(b)Singapore International Water Week 2014: PUB (272KB)

7.The 7th World Water Forum in Korea in 2015: KWF (5.23MB)

8.Other matters

9.Closing of the session

» Highlights (36KB)
