What the APWF is about

The APWF is an independent, not-for-profit, non-partisan, non-political network. The APWF will be inclusive, open and flexible, with an appropriate governance superstructure and an optimal delegation of responsibility to the contributing member organizations for the delivery of agreed products and services of high quality and practical value.

The goal of the APWF is to contribute to sustainable water management in order to achieve the targets of the MDGs in Asia and the Pacific by capitalizing on the region’s diversity and rich history of experience in dealing with water as a fundamental part of the human existence. Specifically, the APWF strongly advocates efforts to boost investments and capacity building, and enhance cooperation in the water sector on the regional level and beyond.

To achieve this goal, the APWF will provide countries and organizations in the Asia-Pacific region with a common platform and opportunities to voice their regional strategies, while also promoting their achievement in solving water problems, including challenges and needs to meet investment requirements. For this purpose, the APWF is comprised of member organizations to form a well-coordinated network that is able and willing to voluntarily provide their resources to deliver high quality services in order to support policy and decision-makers as well as practitioners to fulfill their priority issues in the water sector. The APWF will add values to ongoing work and initiatives of the organizations in the water sector in terms of investment, while also optimizing implementation arrangements, achieving economies of scale, and developing unified approaches to water policies and programs.


(As of February 22, 2007)



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