Asia-Pacific Regional Process for the 8th World Water Forum

Date: 2017-10-10

The APWF has been nominated as a regional coordinator of Asia-Pacific in collaboration with its partner organizations for the regional process of the 8th World Water Forum.

Regional theme leaders were selected for each of the 6 themes of the 8th World Water Forum.


u  Regional theme leader

²  Regional co-theme leader


u  International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD)


u  Japan Sanitation Consortium (JSC)

²  Water Aid India


u  FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

²  United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)


u  Global Water Partnership Organization (GWPO)

²  Singapore PUB



u  UNESCO Regional Science Bureau for Asia and the Pacific

²  International WaterCentre (IWC), Australia,

²  Network of Asian River Basin Organizations (NARBO)



²  Asian Development Bank (ADB)


The sub-regional coordinators were selected in accordance with the APWF framework as follows:

Central Asia

     GWP Central Asia and Caucasus

Southeast Asia

     GWP Southeast Asia

South Asia

     GWP South Asia

Northeast Asia

     Korea Water Forum

Oceania and Pacific Island Countries

     Pacific Community (SPC)

As part of the APWF 21st Governing Council Meeting, the Secretariat of Asia-Pacific Water Forum, as an Asia-Pacific regional coordinator, organized the meeting of the Asia-Pacific Regional Process Consultation on 31st July, 2017, where continuous discussion in accordance with the outcomes and consensus of the discussion in

During the meeting, regional process theme leaders shared their first concept notes and their preparatory processes for the 6 themes. The participants then exchanged the opinions and feedbacks, including how to inter-link the relevant topics with the 6 themes by providing quantitative and qualitative data and lessons learnt from case studies. Each sub-regional coordinator from Central Asia, Northeast Asia, Oceania & Pacific, South Asia, and Southeast Asia also made comments such as how they could contribute to the themes by sharing on-site experiences and possible case studies.

For more information about the background of discussion, please refer to the APWF 19th and 20th Governing Council meetings’ report. 

For more Information about the 8th World Water Forum, please visit the 8th World Water Forum Website.